Designing Chatbot Conversations

Creating a conversation map should be the first step of designing your bot.

Obaid Ahmed
Chatbots Life


Create Detailed Conversation Flows With Real Facebook Components

The hardest part on designing a bot is conversation flow. Your users have a specific task to complete using your bot, but there are many paths that they can take to achieve it.

At BotMock, we have been thinking about how to tackle this problem. Our users are able to create multiple boards to represent different conversation flows within their bot. But we found that it was hard to get a sense of the entire flow structure in one glimpse.

After talking with a lot of designers we found out that they were using external tools to create mind maps that would showcase different paths that users can take. From these maps, they would then use a tool like BotMock or jump into Sketch, to create mocks using platform components that make up these unique paths.

We didn’t think this was the best way to work.

So we set out to fixing this problem. And today we are happy to share our results with you.

Conversation flow is the heart of your bot design. It is what you need to focus on and it is what will enable to create unique and complete experiences for your bot users. We also understand that using real components would help you in understanding the context better. So we have support for all major Facebook templates.

The work has just started. Over the next months we will be adding more features to our platform and adding support for more platforms like Slack, SMS, Telegram, Kik and more.

Follow us along on our journey by following us on Twitter or Facebook.



Entrepreneur and a self proclaimed pakistani food aficionado. Founder of @botmock. Recipient of #OBJ40under40.